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Who is Fly Jones

Jones, professionally known as Fly Jones is an entrepreneur from Cleveland, OH. He got his name because of his sense of fashion. The way he dresses commands attention and influences others to do the same. Working in promotions for 16 years, has made a strong imprint in his hometown and plans to do the same in other cities as the brand expands. Jones claims he started in promotions by accident. He always had a passion for entertainment and loved to hustle so when he realized promotion is a cash business, he turned his popularity into an income. Inspired by other entrepreneurs such as Larry Morrow, DJ Ryan Wolf and AG Entertainment, Fly Jones specializes in organizing and hosting theme, celebrity and community events as well as concerts and comedy shows. In 2020, he expanded his Street Smart brand into merchandise. Since then he has released 12 collections of urban street wear. The brand has consistently grown and now includes fashion for men, women and children. Now he is expanding the brand to the west coast as he relocates to Arizona. Since beginning in promotion Fly Jones has made his mark in the entertainment world. Also, he has been nominated for Businessman of the Year, Best Clothing Brand and Best Promotional Company at the Ohio Entertainment Awards. Collaborations with S. M. A. R. T. and the Boys and Girls Club have also aided in his imprint on the community as a whole. Fly Jones mindset, creativity and drive is what is going to help him achieve his goals of expanding his brand, innovating fashion ideas and working with bigger artists, influencers and companies. As he continues to expand the brand, be on the look out for him at Super Bowl Weekend as well as events in both Cleveland and Arizona. “The brand focus is to Put On for the city through out the world. Our Flare our persona needs to be recognized throughout the world. As for me personally no matter where you come from or what happens in between you can still become who your meant to be” - Fly Jones


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